How do I manage to focus

I’ve been wanting to take some time to write about how I manage my day-to-day, especially when things get complicated or refuse to follow the plan I set at the beginning of the week or the start of the day.

I typically use the same ecosystem of applications for every context in which I work. I spend 90% of my time on the Google Chrome platform and its entire suite of apps.

This means that I organize my task lists with Google Tasks. However, all the Business Development activities at Torresburriel Estudio (which fall under my responsibility) are managed with Pipedrive. This involves leveraging, as I always try to do, all the features of the tool to get the maximum benefit out of it. As a result, all business development tasks, where I invest a significant portion of my time, are managed using Pipedrive’s task system.

For now, in the professional context of Torresburriel Estudio, I manage my time and tasks with two different applications, although within the same ecosystem (everything runs on Google Workspace and Chrome).

The main advantage of minimizing different ecosystems and applications boils down to something very simple: ubiquity.

I can handle all functionalities in a synchronized manner across desktop, mobile, and tablet. I also have the habit of reusing old computers in different locations where I regularly work (Zaragoza office, Madrid office, my house in the village), so just by logging in, I can have all functionalities up and running in no time.

I’m not sure if this is the best way to minimize effort and maximize results, but it works best for me. Of course, I take advantage of macOS and iOS features to silence notifications during the time slots when I need focus and concentration.

In any case, if this helps anyone, fantastic.

This is a translation into English language from the original text posted in my LinkedIn profile